Mauricio Ayala Terrazas
My passion for jewelry began as a child. My father would buy political magazines in Mexico, and there would always be an antique jewelry section. I would scour these for the best jewels and tear out the pages and catalog them. I would then spend hours dissecting each piece, trying to learn how they were built and designed.
Later, when I moved to Canada, I enrolled myself in a goldsmith course and spent the next seven years as an apprentice. Polishing, filing and sanding down the gold would leave my hands so black, it always amazed me something so beautiful was born from such a rough process.
As my passion grew, so did I, soon I would find myself buying pieces from all corners of the world. Always on the lookout for a new specimen that I could build with other salvaged jewelry. Combining timeless pendants with unconventional ribbons and out of the ordinary chains accentuating pieces with broaches and meticulously piecing together precious stones, slowly a collection of jewelry was assembled.